FANTA and the Malawi Ministry of Health (MOH) have developed a nutrition care, support, and treatment (NCST) counselling flipchart (in English and Chichewa) for service providers to use when counselling adolescent and adults living with HIV and TB clients. The flipchart was developed as a result of post-training mentoring assessments conducted in 2015, which indicated that service providers were not effectively using the GALIDRAA technique (counselling observation checklist) to counsel clients on nutrition.
Given time and resource constraints at health care facilities, service providers need to be able to quickly identify a client’s problem and focus counselling with simple, specific, and tailored solutions that are likely to be adopted by clients. FANTA and stakeholders determined that a flipchart would be an effective tool for service providers to use when counselling their clients.
To develop the flipchart, FANTA and the MOH identified and analyzed common behavior change communication problems among adolescent and adult PLHIV and TB clients; conducted a stakeholder consultation to synthesize the problems and develop a creative brief (a tool used to help plan and develop communication materials); drafted the contents based on the stakeholders inputs; pre-tested the draft flipchart; reviewed and sorted consensus from stakeholders; and field tested the flipchart with service providers and beneficiaries.
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