Nutrition Advocacy using PROFILES in Uganda

In Uganda, FANTA used PROFILES, a tool for nutrition advocacy, to calculate estimates that indicated that if there is no change in nutrition by 2025, approximately:

  • 568,000 lives of children under 5 years of age will be lost related to stunting
  • 272,000 lives of children under 5 years of age will be lost related to wasting
  • 15,000 mothers’ lives will be lost related to maternal anemia
  • 221,000 lives of children under 5 years of age will be lost related to vitamin A deficiency
  • 82.1 million equivalent school years of learning will be lost related to stunting
  • 363,000 lives of children under 2 years of age will be lost related to poor breastfeeding practices
  • 1.1 million children will be born with irreversible brain damage with a decrease in IQ related to maternal iodine deficiency

In addition, FANTA led a multi-stakeholder collaborative process to develop a National Nutrition Advocacy Plan and, using results from PROFILES and other resources, led a participatory process with key stakeholders to develop a nutrition advocacy package including fact sheets on health and nutrition; education and nutrition; economic development and nutrition; agriculture and nutrition; and the media and nutrition.

Nutrition Call to Action (December 2017) for:

Community-Based Services Officers

Civil Society Organizations Working in Food Security and Agriculture

Civil Society Organizations Working in Education

Civil Society Organizations Working in Family Planning

Faith Leaders

Development Partners (Call to Action)

Development Partners (Talking Points)

Nutrition Fact Sheets (December 2017) on:

Agriculture and Nutrition

Economic Development and Nutrition

Education and Nutrition

Health and Nutrition

Media and Nutrition

Reducing Malnutrition in Uganda: Estimates to Support Nutrition Advocacy Uganda PROFILES 2013


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