This report presents findings from a qualitative evaluation of three USAID Office of Food for Peace development food assistance projects operating in Bangladesh from 2010 to 2015. The projects evaluated were Save the Children’s Nobo Jibon (“New Life”) Program, ACDI/VOCA’s Program for Strengthening Household Access to Resources (PROSHAR), and CARE’s Strengthening Household Ability to Respond to Development Opportunities II Program (SHOUHARDO II). These projects were designed to address problems of household food insecurity in vulnerable areas of the country through activities related to livelihoods and agriculture, maternal and child health and nutrition, disaster risk reduction, and women’s empowerment. The findings answer questions related to project effectiveness, sustainability, coordination, and unintended effects (both positive and negative). In addition, recommendations are provided for future food security-related projects in Bangladesh.
The evaluation was implemented by the Tufts University School of Nutrition Science and Policy through FANTA.