FANTA Hosts Final MSN-GLEE on July 15, 2016

mother and babyIn May 2014, USAID released the 2014–2025 Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy, marking the first time the agency has had an overarching strategy that emphasizes the need to address both direct and underlying causes of malnutrition in order to have an impact on the problem. The strategy also provides a blueprint for alignment of the efforts of the USAID Bureau of Global Health, the U.S. Government’s Feed the Future and Global Health initiatives, the Office of Food for Peace development programs, resilience efforts, and other nutrition investments.

As part of the next phase for the new strategy, USAID is supporting its rollout and implementation through the release of a series of technical guidance briefs and a series of Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Global Learning & Evidence Exchanges (MSN-GLEEs). The fourth and final MSN-GLEE was held in Washington, DC, on July 15, 2016 and was attended by USAID Mission staff and other U.S. Government staff, host country government partners, implementing partners, and other experts working in this area.

View the MSN-GLEE Agenda


The contents of the presentations are the responsibility of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

15 July 2016

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