FANTA partner University of California, Davis (UC Davis) studied the effectiveness of lipid-based nutrient supplements (LNS) for improving nutrition among pregnant and lactating women and their children in Bangladesh. This cluster-randomized, controlled effectiveness study evaluated the impact of supplementation of the mother’s diet with LNS or iron and folic acid (IFA) on her health and nutrition, and on the health and nutrition of her newborns. It also evaluated the effect of supplementing children’s diet with LNS or multiple micronutrient powder (MNP) on their nutrition, health, and developmental outcomes through 24 months of age. Additionally, as part of the study, UC Davis evaluated the operational aspects of delivering the supplements through community-based programs, assessed willingness to pay for LNS and MNP, and the relative and absolute cost and cost-effectiveness of each approach, with particular focus on children’s linear growth.
The study population was followed up 2 years after the intervention to assess long-term impacts of the supplementation on child growth and body composition, food preferences, cognitive development, and pre-academic skills.
The following work has been completed to date:
- A report on the willingness of households to pay for lipid-based nutrient supplements and micronutrient powders for children
- A report on the nutrition and health outcomes of the children at 24 months
- A report on the costs and cost-effectiveness of the interventions
- A report on the long-term effects on maternal and child outcomes
- The process evaluation of the study
- A study of the acceptability of LNS and MNP among pregnant and lactating women and among infants and young children in the study area
- An assessment of women’s women adherence to LNS and IFA supplements during pregnancy and the early postpartum period
- An assessment of adherence to LNS and MNP among children 6-23 months
- A publication of the full results on health and nutrition outcomes in pregnant women and their newborns
- An executive summary on health and nutrition outcomes in pregnant women and their newborns
Collaborating Organizations: ICDDR,B and LAMB
Journal Articles:
- "Lipid-based nutrient supplements for pregnant women reduce newborn stunting in a cluster-randomized controlled effectiveness trial in Bangladesh" Am J Clin Nutr
- "Prenatal Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements Affect Maternal Anthropometric Indicators Only in Certain Subgroups of Rural Bangladeshi Women" J Nutr
- "Prenatal Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements Do Not Affect Pregnancy or Childbirth Complications or Cesarean Delivery in Bangladesh: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Effectiveness Trial" J Nutr
- "Daily Consumption of Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements Containing 250 μg Iodine Does Not Increase Urinary Iodine Concentrations in Pregnant and Postpartum Women in Bangladesh" J Nutr
- "Lipid-based nutrient supplementation in the first 1000 d improves child growth in Bangladesh: a cluster-randomized effectiveness trial" Am J Clin Nutr
- "Home fortification during the first 1000 d improves child development in Bangladesh: a cluster-randomized effectiveness trial" Am J Clin Nutr