FANTA assisted the Mozambique Ministry of Health in developing national protocols, training materials, and job aids for its national Nutrition Rehabilitation Program (Programa de Reabilitação Nutricional [PRN]). The PRN is based on the Community-Based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) and the Nutrition Assessment, Counseling, and Support (NACS) approaches
The PRN protocols are contained in two manuals: Manual for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Malnutrition (Manual de Tratamento e Reabilitacao Nutricional), Volume I (PRN I) for treating acute malnutrition among children and adolescents 0–14 years of age and the PRN Manual for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Malnutrition, Volume II (PRN II) covering adolescents and adults 15 years of age and older. The manuals are accompanied by
- Job aids to help with implementation of inpatient and outpatient treatment
- Register books and monthly reporting forms
- Training materials (Facilitators Guide and Participants Handouts) to train health facility staff
- The PRN Quality Performance Standards, a checklist-style tool to evaluate PRN inpatient and outpatient services for children, pregnant women, and postpartum women (two versions exist: one in PDF and one in Microsoft Excel)
- Nutrition counseling materials for people living with HIV and/or TB
- Success stories from FANTA's support in PRN
PRN I and PRN II materials are available below in Portuguese. PRN I materials were published in September 2018 (second edition). PRN II materials were published in 2017 (first edition).
PRN I Manual
Manual de Tratamento e Reabilitação Nutricional – Volume I (2018)
PRN I Job Aids
PRN I Register Books and Monthly Reporting Forms
Relatório Mensal – Tratamento de Desnutrição em Ambulatório (Crianças dos 6 meses aos 14 anos)
Relatório Mensal – Tratamento da Desnutrição no Internamento (Crianças dos 0 aos 14 anos)
PRN I Training Materials
PRN II Manual
PRN II Job Aids
PRN II Register Book and Monthly Reporting Form
PRN II Training Materials
Pacote de Formação para o Programa de Reabilitação Nutricional Volume II: Adolescents e Adultos = 15 anos, PPTs (2017: PRN II Training Materials for Health Workers – PowerPoint slides)
PRN Quality Performance Standards
Padrões De Qualidade Para Medição De Desempenho Dos Serviços Do Programa De Reabilitação Nutricional (PDF)
Padrões De Qualidade Para Medição De Desempenho Dos Serviços Do Programa De Reabilitação Nutricional (Excel)